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The ACC Championship Game: #1 Florida State vs. Duke

An FSU grad I know has been talking shit to me the last few days about this game. Lol, why?? Makes me want to find Gardner-Webb fans and start some shit about our next basketball game.
Lhys showing up in chat talking about incompletions and interceptions brought us luck in the UNC game. I hope he shows up tonight.
I did not know that this was the Dr. Paul Epper ACC Championship Game
rhfarmer said:
I did not know that this was the Dr. Paul Epper ACC Championship Game

That dude is loaded.
aiw said:
Lhys showing up in chat talking about incompletions and interceptions brought us luck in the UNC game. I hope he shows up tonight.
It's all about taints. We rely on taints.
Here's my main reasoning for why I don't think it was exactly an indefensible decision to punt on 4th and 3 in the 2nd quarter. In our last 5 drives at that point, including the current one, we'd had 5 three-and-outs. On those 15 plays, we'd gained a grand total of 16 yards. Out of those 15 plays during our last 5 possessions, exactly one went for 3 yards or more.

So, was there anything about how we were playing that indicated we had a decent shot at getting it on that particular play? And even if we had, what are the chances we even get another first down, not to mention 40 more yards? Normally, I'd agree we have to go for it, but I trust that Cut knows his team and don't really have a problem with trying to pin them back and escape the first half within striking distance in this case.
The reason I disagree is that I think a 2 score game with FSU getting the ball is not within striking distance in this game, especially the way the offense was playing. There was no guarantee we'd ever be back on their side of the field again.
If that's the case, then we're screwed either way, in all likelihood. If you're the HC though, I think you have to believe that your sweet halftime adjustments and motivational skills at least have the potential to get things going better than they had been for the last few possessions. Otherwise, might as well just give up.
I'm probably overly JCDing Cutcliffe a little because I'm in a glass case of emotion. I just don't think he deserves as much grief as he was getting for what I consider at least a moderately defensible decision.

Heather Cox: out of line? She's getting ripped left right center for it.
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bfactor said:
aiw said:
Lhys showing up in chat talking about incompletions and interceptions brought us luck in the UNC game. I hope he shows up tonight.
It's all about taints. We rely on taints.

Sorry, guys. This is my fault. I've got some taint pics I'll bring to the bowl game chat.
Thoughts from the result. Duke can play with the big boys for 15 minutes. That's really not too bad. There is a huge gulf between the FSU's and OSU's and Bama's of the college football world and the Dukes. However, that gulf was 70-7 a few years back, and now it's only 45-7.

Duke has made huge strides to get to the point where they are competitive against 90% of the college football landscape. Being competitive against that last 10% is probably as or more difficult than getting competitive against the first 90%.

Duke can be the best football program in North Carolina, IMO. I think that's the next reasonable goal. Then they can try and parlay that into being the east coast Stanford, a fringe contender on the national stage. If Duke can be to FSU what Stanford is to Oregon, it would be an amazing achievement. IMO, there is more incentive to play at Duke and potentially go to bowl games every year than to play at Vandy and get the shit kicked out of you every weekend. And if you can keep the east coast 3 and 4 stars from going to Stanford and Vandy (and Wake and Uva) and mine some talent from Charlotte, you're going to be really really good.

For instance, this year, Stanford has 3 east coast three star commitments and they still have offers out to a slew for east coast four and five stars. They are recruiting in Georgia, Florida and New Jersey private schools. Duke can scarf up some of these guys. Vandy already has 6 four star commitments, 5 of whom are from the east coast. Those guys probably aren't going to a bowl because they have to win 4-5 conference games against Georgia, Alabama, etc.

If Duke can keep it's current trajectory, maybe in 4 or 5 years they are routinely beating VPI, UNC and GIT, are regularly competitive against Miami and Clemson and at least get FSU's blood flowing. That's a program that can win 8-10 games a year and maybe catch fire every five years or so and go to a big bowl.
Agree. I give very little thought to the final score in this game because I think one way or another it was always going to end up that way. That has nothing to do with Duke and everything to do with FSU (and the fact that the gap between elite and decent teams is, as you say, just as big as the gap between the decent teams and what Duke used to be).

Either we were going to get rolled from the opening kick and make up some ground later, or we were going to fight and keep it even for a while and get rolled later. I'm glad it was the latter.
rhfarmer said:
Thoughts from the result. Duke can play with the big boys for 15 minutes. That's really not too bad. There is a huge gulf between the FSU's and OSU's and Bama's of the college football world and the Dukes. However, that gulf was 70-7 a few years back, and now it's only 45-7.

Duke has made huge strides to get to the point where they are competitive against 90% of the college football landscape. Being competitive against that last 10% is probably as or more difficult than getting competitive against the first 90%.

Duke can be the best football program in North Carolina, IMO. I think that's the next reasonable goal. Then they can try and parlay that into being the east coast Stanford, a fringe contender on the national stage. If Duke can be to FSU what Stanford is to Oregon, it would be an amazing achievement. IMO, there is more incentive to play at Duke and potentially go to bowl games every year than to play at Vandy and get the shit kicked out of you every weekend. And if you can keep the east coast 3 and 4 stars from going to Stanford and Vandy (and Wake and Uva) and mine some talent from Charlotte, you're going to be really really good.

For instance, this year, Stanford has 3 east coast three star commitments and they still have offers out to a slew for east coast four and five stars. They are recruiting in Georgia, Florida and New Jersey private schools. Duke can scarf up some of these guys. Vandy already has 6 four star commitments, 5 of whom are from the east coast. Those guys probably aren't going to a bowl because they have to win 4-5 conference games against Georgia, Alabama, etc.

If Duke can keep it's current trajectory, maybe in 4 or 5 years they are routinely beating VPI, UNC and GIT, are regularly competitive against Miami and Clemson and at least get FSU's blood flowing. That's a program that can win 8-10 games a year and maybe catch fire every five years or so and go to a big bowl.

I agree that pretty much seems like the ceiling for the program. We definitely need to make it a priority to reach a point where east coast academic kids aren't leaving the seaboard for Stanford. Like you said, that alone is enough to keep us from being a joke every year, though I think 8-10 wins is a little too optimistic, though as long as Cut keeps continuity going I can see anywhere from 5-8 being doable given our OOC scheduling. I think of us similar to a mid major basketball program that's never going to get the top talent coming out of high school, but at least can be competitive via continuity -- having tons of junior and senior starters EVERY YEAR.

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