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Player Henry Coleman

I think Henry will be a fine player at Duke.

This will sound crazy, but I've watched a few of his games and he reminds me of Draymond Green. Obviously not expecting that type of player out of the gate in college, but down the line.

Stylistically and athletically/body type, there are similarities. Henry is every bit 6'8, 220. Draymond 6'7, 230. Big rumps and solid frames. Some would say thicc.
Unless Coleman is Elton Brand or Zion physically, a 6'8" center is not ideal. I see him more as Lance Thomas. Unlikely he'll have Thomas's buy in though. (And of course, Thomas wasn't actually good at anything besides guarding in space.)
I see Lance as the best comparison from our past players too (or a much more ripped Tony Lang), but I don't see why he wouldn't have Lance's buy-in. This kid has seemed like he wanted a Duke offer from the get-go. His dad is a former VT football player and sits on one of the University's boards, so the other visit makes sense in that respect, but he's certainly deciding and committing earlier than Lance did.

If the rest of the frontcourt were to be three other freshmen in Jalen, Mark Williams, and Kessler, I think Coleman still plays most nights. If one of those big dudes rolls an ankle or something, he's probably getting 15 minutes.

I feel like his best physical comp may be more Trevor Booker than Brand or Zion. To me, his adidas numbers from this summer: 66% FG, 73% FT, and 2 of 9 three-pointers are promising enough. He's not a total non-shooter, but seems to have great shot selection. If you can get a guy like that who can also contribute on the defensive end, he's a great piece.
I see Lance as the best comparison from our past players too (or a much more ripped Tony Lang), but I don't see why he wouldn't have Lance's buy-in. This kid has seemed like he wanted a Duke offer from the get-go. His dad is a former VT football player and sits on one of the University's boards, so the other visit makes sense in that respect, but he's certainly deciding and committing earlier than Lance did.

If the rest of the frontcourt were to be three other freshmen in Jalen, Mark Williams, and Kessler, I think Coleman still plays most nights. If one of those big dudes rolls an ankle or something, he's probably getting 15 minutes.

I feel like his best physical comp may be more Trevor Booker than Brand or Zion. To me, his adidas numbers from this summer: 66% FG, 73% FT, and 2 of 9 three-pointers are promising enough. He's not a total non-shooter, but seems to have great shot selection. If you can get a guy like that who can also contribute on the defensive end, he's a great piece.
Because most players ranked in the top 50 want more of a role than Lance did. Heck, even a kid as academically bright and grounded as Javin thought about transferring.

Wanting a Duke offer for years is no guarantee that he'll be satisfied with the reality of playing 10 mpg for multiple years.
Because most players ranked in the top 50 want more of a role than Lance did. Heck, even a kid as academically bright and grounded as Javin thought about transferring.

Wanting a Duke offer for years is no guarantee that he'll be satisfied with the reality of playing 10 mpg for multiple years.

Javin thought about transferring? I either didn't know about that or blocked it out somehow. Anyway, Coleman certainly isn't lacking in the academically bright/grounded department either.

That last point is certainly true. But I don't see Coleman playing that little, tbh. Unlike the Murphys and Gbinijes of the world, he's got a college-ready body, and is joining a likely historically young Duke team where that kind of strength will be in short supply. Like his fellow Virginian Javin, the main thing I worry about with Coleman early on is foul trouble. But his skill-set will fit on the court well, and I'd much rather have him in there guarding big/PG screens than a guy like Mark Williams or Hunter Dickinson.

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