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Can't remember if I mentioned this before but if you like books in the general spy novel genre, I can't recommend the John Rain series by Barry Eisler (former CIA agent) strongly enough. Rain's character is one of the best I've come across... a brilliant but utterly ruthless assassin.

8-10 books in the series IIRC. Highly entertaining, perfect beach reading if you're interested.

Just finished this book. Very good insights to the modern advantages teams are seeking in baseball:

at risk of projecting a normie opinion but 'the overstory' was incredible.

reading the wiki afterwards and come to find out benioff and weiss are producing the tv series which could be the most unique thing on televsion in a while.
It's interesting that that book was so loved. I haven't read it. But I've read some other Powers. His writing tends to be very high concept but kind of bad at character, dialogue, and all the other stuff. Feels like he may have had some sort of artistic breakthrough, given how much mainstream success the book had.
half the characters do exhibit degrees of anti social behavior which tracks.

the motivations he lays out for a spiritual crusade against capitalism by enchantment via forests is incredible in its simplicity. very much a feeling of "this is the book i was waiting for"
Don't get me wrong. His other books are good. And they've tended to win awards and stuff. They're just more for the sci-fi crowd than mainstream readers.

That sounds cool. I'll pick it up.
Anyone read Ken Follett? I had never bothered because I'm a snob and assumed they were "airport novels." But I'm reading The Fall of Giants and it's incredible. Perfect historical fiction. His writing is so clear and straightforward without being simplistic. Great characters. Interesting social commentary. Ideal balance of description and action.
i love pillars of the earth, completely enchanting without any magical realism. the sequel is pretty good too.

edit: sorry to keep using "enchanting" but it is what it is.
"Martin said his biggest gripe is that the show outpaced his writing" - Yes, George, it's terrible how the show wasn't willing to wait a decade (or indefinitely) between seasons for you to come up with another book.

Not that it would have helped, but he should have had another three years. Maybe more. Pretty sure Book 3 spanned three seasons, Book 4 was mostly skipped, and book 5 was done in one season (despite being longer than Book 3).

Book 7, if it ever comes out, will probably be 2000 pages long and was covered in like three episodes.
Also, is he senile now? The quote in the thumbnail doesn't make any sense. Doesn't he mean he wishes he'd stayed ahead of the show?
I assume he'll die with Book 6 mostly complete. Book 7 will be written by Brandon Sanderson.
I don’t think he could have wrapped up he series if given another 50 years. He just created too complex of a worldbuilt sprawling narrative and plot architecture spread across too many disparate characters and domains to ever tie together in one seamless ending. There’s a reason the show had to drop like half of the new plot lines he created just in the 5th book alone beyond considerations of time
at risk of projecting a normie opinion but 'the overstory' was incredible.

reading the wiki afterwards and come to find out benioff and weiss are producing the tv series which could be the most unique thing on televsion in a while.

Picked this up a few weeks ago after seeing this post. Read first half of it on a trip with the family last week to Sequoia/Yosemite. Pure serendipity. Great book enhanced by time and place.

BTW, started it a few days in because I was reading Devolution by Max Brooks. Also a brilliant book.

Will be front and center to watch how both are translated to the screen.
Still can't get over how good The Fall of Giants is. Ken Follett has my ideal writing style.

It also helps that this is pretty much my favorite genre of novel: social realism with a large cast of characters, sweeping historical events, long time frame.

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