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Losing a pet is so goddamn tough, sorry farmer. I still think about mine all day long. Miss that little pup. People don’t deserve dogs.
I have yet to have a pet I really cared about die. I am dreading it, given how strong my emotions are about animals. Hang in there, man.

We had family pets die when I was younger, but they were never my pets and almost all of them died after I'd left the house.
I’m not an emotional guy, never cry. Bawled my eyes out when my dog died.
Dude, I believe I posted here that I had more of an emotional reaction to my cat getting a tumor on its lip than I have to family members dying. That probably says something about me, but oh well.

Heck, my friend's cat went missing the other day and he was texting me about it. I almost started crying at work. I've barely even seen the animal. It was just the thought of it wandering lost in the street that got to me. Thankfully, it returned later that same night.
Dude, I believe I posted here that I had more of an emotional reaction to my cat getting a tumor on its lip than I have to family members dying. That probably says something about me, but oh well.

Heck, my friend's cat went missing the other day and he was texting me about it. I almost started crying at work. I've barely even seen the animal. It was just the thought of it wandering lost in the street that got to me. Thankfully, it returned later that same night.
I have a huge attachment to animals man. Losing this pup crushed me more than just about anything in my life...ever. Still think about her constantly. I'm a huge softy for animals. Love them all and have never hunted or anything like that.

Got this guy today. Newfiedoodle. 10 weeks old, 15 pounds on the way to 100.


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The people, most definitely! :smile:

I grew up around people that had Newfoundland dogs, so I have an appreciation for those critters. Much to love about them.
My ex just messaged me this morning to say one of the cats we got together had died. She was only six. I cannot describe how sweet this cat was. We got her together with her sister. Whenever people talk about cats being aloof, I wish I could introduce them to these cats. They would literally crawl up on a stranger's lap the minute they walked into the house. The one who died would let you pick her up and hold her for as long as you wanted without ever squirming or trying to get down. She loved having her belly rubbed.

My ex doesn't know why she died. She did have a tumor on her lip years ago when she was maybe 1-2 years old. So I was always a little worried about her health after that. But apparently she was doing fine even last night. Since my ex moved to the country, the cats became outdoor cats. I wonder if she ate something poisonous.

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More my ex's loss than mine, I guess. I had only seen the cats once since she moved back down to NC in 2021. Still sucks though.
More my ex's loss than mine, I guess. I had only seen the cats once since she moved back down to NC in 2021. Still sucks though.

Yeah, I understand. You'll always have that bond though, regardless of how little you've seen them recently.
I'm just glad no one commented on my gut. Tbh, it's bigger now than it was then.
Yeah, I generally have no time for cats but there are some good ones. My wife had one when we were dating that would literally jump into the arms of people she knew and hug them around the neck. Then her cousin's dog killed it.:confused:

Sounds like you got one of the gems.

In my experience, there are few worse things than an unexplained pet death. Our first dog had sudden kidney failure and died within days. We spent months trying to figure out what might have happened or what we did wrong. Never could figure it out.
Every cat I've had has been affectionate. And that's five cats and counting now. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe other people are doing something wrong with their cats. My current cat is sitting on my knees as I type this.

Dogs are just completely antithetical to my personality. I'm not "anti" any animal, but I don't like their slimy wet tongues, don't like the level of maintenance you need to put into them, and don't like their hyperactivity. I feel like you can usually tell a cat or dog person simply by their social behavior and overall demeanor. I've been surprised a few times, but not that often.

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