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College Basketball 2024-2025

I’m rarely right, so when I am, I have to announce it. I called this NIL bullshit before it all started. I didn’t see any way it didn’t turn into a giant clusterfuck that would destroy the already flailing sport.
It's not the NIL in my opinion. It's the unlimited penalty-free transferring in conjunction with zero oversight over NIL. If players still had to sit out a year, you wouldn't see them leaving good situations to chase a slight pay increase.
I’m rarely right, so when I am, I have to announce it. I called this NIL bullshit before it all started. I didn’t see any way it didn’t turn into a giant clusterfuck that would destroy the already flailing sport.
It's not the NIL in my opinion. It's the unlimited penalty-free transferring in conjunction with zero oversight over NIL. If players still had to sit out a year, you wouldn't see them leaving good situations to chase a slight pay increase.
Yeah, I agree that it’s the combination. Every offseason players are unrestricted free agents with no restrictions on the contracts.
And the NBA would never allow that to happen, for obvious reasons. But the NBA actually has a governing body with some real authority. The NCAA is virtually dead as an authority.
The NCAA needed to come up with a reasonable compensation package for revenue sports athletes a decade ago. They instead dug their heels in and allowed themselves to be completely neutered by losing one court case after another. The portal, NIL, and insane realignment have all converged to suck most of the fun out of college sports.
Here's some quotes from a Sept, 2017 Scout article. I think this is turning out as expected. (There was a link to the article, but it's defunct. )

One prominent high school coach told Scout on Wednesday even with the sit out rule in place he gets calls from college coaches every November and December asking if any of his former players are ready to make an early move. If this goes through, I feel sorry for him and his cell phone bill.

Since Tuesday afternoon, I’ve talked to more than 25 assistant and head coaches and not one was in favor of the potential rule.

“It would be the wild, wild west,” one high major assistant said.

“That’s scary, man,” another said.

“It would turn into one of the dirtiest recruiting periods that you've ever seen,” Indiana coach Archie Miller told Scout.

Every lay up and handshake line would turn into a recruiting pitch. Every interaction with an opposing player or parent would be an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a potential move.

“You'll have guys talking to your players when they are in your gym,” Miller added. “Coaches will recruit players right after games and now you can go directly to the source, it would cripple teams and programs.”

"I think it's ridiculous,” Xavier’s Chris Mack said of the potential rule.

“There's a constant narrative on social media about the mass exodus of kids and how it's appalling so many kids opt to transfer,” he added. “So now we want to make it easier to transfer? I don't see any logic in that line of thinking. Doesn't surprise me, but it's a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. I transferred years ago and I sat out a year. Did me a world of good. It's not the negative people make it out to be."
Is he just seen as a defender? He blocks shots well and rebound reasonably well, but he's 6'8", can't shoot FTs or 3s. Shot 62% from 2.

I have no idea who this is.
Selfishly, I'm glad that I'm not a college coach because I would be miserable 100% of the time.
Yes Dunn is an elite defensive prospect. Has a chance to go #1 overall just to play defense by the time people are done sifting through all the garbage in this draft.
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I honestly thought he was going to leave this offseason, but I haven't looked into his contract situation. He may have money he doesn't want to leave on the table.
It's almost a classic 'tragedy of the commons' case. A bunch of individuals with unregulated access to a shared resource are trying to maximize their own benefit from the shared resource, and in doing so destroying the shared resource so it no longer exists for future generations.

All this unrestricted wild west free agency may not kill the golden goose, but eggs are going to be smaller and laid less frequently.
It will kill it over time. Booster offer money because they perceive a social recognition from the public. It's like the whales in a F2P MMO. The reason those guys spends thousands if not tens of thousands on an online game is not that the spending is inherently worth it, but that it gives them status among the players, so the game has to have a large player base of people who just play for free, to give those that do pay that perception of status, if all the free players leave the game. The whales will too.

Same dynamic works here, the boosters pay larges sums to attract players because it gives them status among the fan base, as fan interest declines, the whales will have less incentive to shell out the money.
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Sound like that is the point of the change; otherwise there seems to be no difference from what is already happening (?). The NCAA saw everything that is happening and decided they needed to take action to allow more player movement.

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