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Duke/VT postgame


Oct 7, 2012
Put thoughts here. Can we put this out of our head?

Last 45 seconds of the first half was the ball game
Worst in-game collapse we've had since... who knows. Looked entirely different after the fast start, especially after the 2nd quarter INT. Lines got dominated on both sides of the ball, Tomlinson was awful. Getting outrushed 269-22 pretty much says it all. Like to think it would have different if we'd have ended the half 23-10, but who knows.

Kind of had the look of a team crashing back down to Earth. Going to take a lot to get back in the W column going forward, sure hope they have it in them.
Putting up 20 in the first and not scoring in the 2nd I think says a lot about how predictable our offense is (at least today) and how easy it was for VT to make halftime adjustments. Going forward it won't get any easier as our future opponents will have that much more game film to look at. Cut needed to switch some things up in the 2nd to keep from being so predictable. It still feels good to be 5-2 though.
Defense had no confidence after the first TD drive by VT.

Secondary was consistently abused by the deep ball. At least we don't face another quarterback with the particular set of skills as Thomas.
EJ doesn't scare me in the slightest. Sure FSU will score, enough to beat Duke soundly I think. But its not god tier or anything. UNC is probably better offensively, VT certainly was. That defense though, that secondary....if we score, I'll be impressed.
I predicted that we would lose by 2+ touchdowns. Was rethinking that prediction after the first quarter, but we got completely shutdown.

I was mad for about 15 minutes, but then I realized we still have five more games to go, and I will still be out there next weekend.

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