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Is Clemson Top 10?

That win was so gratifying for me. Far beyond it being Duke and everything it meant for the program, on the national stage, etc., etc. Think I've mentioned this before, but my in-laws (BIL, MIL, FIL), and even my wife at times, are diehard Clemson fans in Durham. Big Duke fans growing up, but once my BIL went to Clemson (x2), things changed. They go for Duke at all other times, and have season tickets to Duke Football, but make no mistake, they are all Clemson, all the time. I remember being in the car with them one time years ago discussing Duke and Clemson and them bitching about Duke Basketball getting calls. It got heated. I openly cheer against Clemson entirely because of them. You can't be around them without hearing about Clemson's greatness. You'd think there was no better place on Earth than Clemson, S.C.

Many years ago, at a Duke Football tailgate, my BIL and I (prior to being B'sIL) got into a knock-down, drag-out, full on fist fight arguing about Duke and Clemson. I'm talking rolling around on the ground in the leaves, the whole shebang. We are super cool ever since, but the Clemson hatred on my end is real. As soon as this game was announced (and even rumored), my wife started dreading September 4th, 2023. My BIL had been very confident about the game, bordering on cocky, really since camp started. The number of times I've heard him say, "I don't think you understand how good our DL is" approaches the hundreds.

We planned a big tailgate with all of our usual Duke friends for about a month and executed flawlessly. Dropped off cars at 6:30 Monday morning, went back to pack up coolers, etc., posted up for good around noon. Only Clemson fans amongst our group of roughly twenty were BIL, MIL, and FIL, all in Clemson regalia. Wife had to be convinced to at least come to the tailgate with all of her friends and family, but left at 5ish to go home because there was no way she was going to be in that stadium with all the tension and history. Everyone was surprised she was there as long as she was, given her bluster about not even coming to the tailgate.

I spoke briefly to my MIL today about an event we're doing for my wife's birthday this weekend. Otherwise I haven't heard from them, and neither has my wife. I have no doubt my FIL and MIL will be ok and are probably close to being over it. My BIL is probably still crushed and will be for a while, bordering on suicidal. Supposed to see him Saturday night for wife's birthday deal. That should be interesting.

What a day. What a game. I will never forget yesterday. That was so cathartic.

Sorry (again) for another long post.
This is making me think. Even with the brutal late era Cut fade, there’s not many ACC programs I’d trade places with from 2012-onward. Only FSU and Clemson for sure. Probably Pitt too, as they’ve owned our souls, and won the ACC in 2021, but we have more 9+ win seasons than they do in that stretch (3-2). The rest?

Georgia Tech - had a nice run under Johnson for a while, winning the Coastal and a NY6 bowl in 2014 (should’ve been us, but we choked to VT). However, they’ve only made two bowls since, and the last 5 years have just been atrocious.

UNC - Won the Coastal twice and made a NY6 game in 2020. Slightly better results overall, but as with Pitt, we have three 9+ win seasons to their two. When was their last “huge” win that moved the needle nationally? Mack’s first stint there?

Miami - With the exception of 2017, this program has turned in one disappointing
season after another. Being a fan of them seems like a joyless experience nowadays.

UVA - They reached the Orange Bowl under Mendenhall in 2019, but that was their lone 9 win season. Only three bowl games since 2012, they have generally sucked, and do now.

VT - they were a machine under Beamer until 2012, when he fell off sharply. Generally middling results since, with only two 9+ win seasons, and few memorable moments. Fuente left the cupboard empty there. I’d be surprised if they ever got back to their peak level.

BC - have not won more than 7 games in this era. Arguably the least accomplished program in the league post-Matt Ryan.

Louisville - They won 11 and 12 games respectively in 2012/13 before joining the ACC, and lit the league up with Lamar in 2016. Done nothing of note since. I might consider switching with them simply due to ‘16, but not sure.

NC State - This program is the very definition of mediocrity. Two 9+ win seasons, with middling results otherwise. Had a big win over FSU in 2012 and Clemson in 2021, but no others come to mind. No division titles, either.

Syracuse - aside from a fluke upset of Clemson in 2017 and a 10 win season in 2018, this program has been a disaster for over a decade.

Wake Forest - Dave Clawson did a commendable job rebuilding WF after Jim Grobe let the program slide, but he only has one winning conference season and 9+ win season in 9 years there. They never quite got that program defining upset, either.

This is the moment that Clemson knew they were in trouble. Thus, the "Play of the Game".
Duke had winless seasons under 3 consecutive head coaches. That has to be some sort of record. Every young person should be taught that. Duke also has had winless ACC seasons under 5 consecutive head coaches—-that streak is active until Mike Elko retires, dies, is fired or is hired away.

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