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War, I've finished them.

For Zack: Speculation following the fifth book

You can tell that the Starks are going to be having a claim to the dragons given skinchanger abilities. Also, Jon Snow isn't who you think he is.
ChibCU said:
War, I've finished them.

For Zack: Speculation following the fifth book

You can tell that the Starks are going to be having a claim to the dragons given skinchanger abilities. Also, Jon Snow isn't who you think he is.
Comment about future of series.
I'm still wondering when the hell Arya's wolf is going to show back up. Martin kind of alluded to her throughout a couple of the books, but never actually said what came of her (IIRC).
ChibCU said:
War, I've finished them.

For Zack: Speculation following the fifth book

You can tell that the Starks are going to be having a claim to the dragons given skinchanger abilities. Also, Jon Snow isn't who you think he is.

Big spoilers from Feast

The way he "died" was just simply too obvious compared to the way other primary characters have perished. I wish Dany would die or hurry up and get back to Westeros. Tyrion needs to get back to Westeros, because his chapters suck.

I have a hard time believing that Martin will finish the series in 2 more books unless they are each 1500 pages. Too much has to happen and they are in the dead of winter. with the final book being called "A Dream of Spring" I really have a hard time believing it will be the last of the series.
I have a hard time believing that old, obese man will live long enough to write 2-3 more books.
ChibCU said:
I have a hard time believing that old, obese man will live long enough to write 2-3 more books.
Yeah, that's my concern too. Especially when he plans to write other stuff in between.
So I've been reading A Storm of Swords in spurts. Read 200 pages last night, which brought me to page 750. Holy shit.

I knew that something wasn't right with the wedding at The Twins. I didn't expect it to get that brutal, though. Killing off Robb and Catelyn like that (at least I assume they're really dead). And first Arya sees her dad's head chopped off and now this.

This is by far my favorite book of the three I've read. So much awesomeness. The near intersection of Bran and Jon. Samwell popping up in the Bran chapter. Jon being named heir (which I assume will amount to something if Robb is dead). Jaime's stuff. I like that he and Tyrion are actually kind of decent people, even though Jaime did push Bran out of a window. It's the other Lannisters who are awful.

The Hound has become awesome, too. Sansa has become more interesting now that she's married to Tyrion.

I still groan every time there's a Daenerys chapter.
I got to that point in the book recently, as well. Seems like the logical finale for Se. 3 of the show, since I understand that they are splitting it into two parts.
How the fuck do you read so fast? My reading level must be half yours.
I usually read really slow. Not with these books. But to be honest, I've also had a few six hour sessions with each book.
My wife is right at the beginning of your 200 page section. I saw your post and got excited that she must be near, so I checked her book to see what page she was on.
Lhys, The last 100 pages of Book 3 and the last 200 pages of Book 5 are usually the two parts of the series that most cite as the best
Favorite characters in series aside from Tyrion obviously....

(1) Bran and (2) John Stark
Have you read Tinker Tailor? It's another on my near-term list. Only chose it because of its obvious popularity, but maybe it's not his best?
Started with the most famous and critically acclaimed- "The Spy who came in from the cold"
NCCUknow said:
Read Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson.

200 pages too much.

Have you read Jesus' Son? (I think it should be Jesus's. If the "s" is not a "z" sound, I prefer it punctuated that way.)

Anyway, I haven't read it, but it's kind of a touchstone book for a lot of writers. I've seen multiple quotes from it and the writing just seems incredible. Judging by how you can find Tree of Smoke in any used bookstore and remainered on the bargain shelves of Barnes and Noble, it's not as good. I have a copy I got off the free shelf at my old job.
Stupid George R.R. Martin. Quit having one horrible thing after another happen to characters I like.
Finished A Storm of Swords. Tempted to go out and buy A Feast for Crows right now.

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