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Duke Basketball 2017-2018

Yeah that was awful. Zone really fucks teams up. I can’t tell what to blame. Hopefully we got all the shit out of our system but in reality Kansas will smoke us by 20
I don't think it was our offense though. We still scored 69 points on them . Their zone didn't fuck us up as much as they fucked up our zone.
No one will play the zone better than they did. Gives me hope against Nova. KU will probably come out flat against the zone with only 1 practice day for it. Nova getting almost a week worried me but fuck it, if we're in the FF in satisfied and anything can happen.
We missed a lot of open 3s too.

I noticed Cuse would pass into the paint and then have two guys on the blocks to set up a 3 on 1 vs Wendell vs the normal 2 on 1 that he can handle. That was good game planning by Boeheim
Really just a terrible game by almost everyone. Bagley a pussy on the boards though good on offense, Duval utter shit, Allen jacking threes, Carter bad on defense. Even Trent missed a lot of open threes, though he also won the game for us.
Bagley killed it on the boards in the second half
Though he only had 1 defensive board the whole game because of his spot in the zone
That one white dude, Rachel Dolezol, carved us up. It pissed me off that he had three fouls for 20+ minutes of the game before drawing his 4th.
I noticed Cuse would pass into the paint and then have two guys on the blocks to set up a 3 on 1 vs Wendell vs the normal 2 on 1 that he can handle. That was good game planning by Boeheim
As great as Carter is back there, I don’t see this strategy working vs players with actual offensive skills.
Regardless of what happens from here, at the very least this has easily been one of the most enjoyable non-title seasons in the last decade or so, right up there with 2013. After the St. John's/UNC debacles, many of us were thinking it was going to rival 2014 in terms of shittiness, so the past month has been nice.
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Refs were putting their fingers on the scale for Cuse a little bit in the 2nd half because of the "obscene" foul differential from the first. Was complete BS that we had to slog through 3 1n1s the final minute.
Regardless of what happens from here, this has easily been one of the most enjoyable non-title seasons in the last decade or so, right up there with 2013. After the St. John's/UNC debacles, many of us were thinking it was going to rival 2014 in terms of shittiness, so the past month has been nice.

Yeah I enjoy watching this team, even with the cold stretches. It's a unique one in Duke history that probably won't be replicated in our lifetimes. I will miss seeing them take the court if Sunday is the last of the year.
At least we got one more game to watch. Will be interesting to see how both Grayson and Trevon adjust on Sunday. Because they both played horribly tonight.
Take away the MSU game and Bagley has had at least 12 and 7 in every single game. His only "bad" game was against ND where he went 4-14 for 12pts 8rebs 3blks 2asts 2stls. He's only shot below 50% 3 times. Easily our best one and done ever.
Regardless of what happens from here, this has easily been one of the most enjoyable non-title seasons in the last decade or so, right up there with 2013. After the St. John's/UNC debacles, many of us were thinking it was going to rival 2014 in terms of shittiness, so the past month has been nice.

Yeah I enjoy watching this team, even with the cold stretches. It's a unique one in Duke history that probably won't be replicated in our lifetimes. I will miss seeing them take the court if Sunday is the last of the year.
Yeah we really need to enjoy this. Duke will never, ever have a front court like this ever again. Probably won't have a senior this good ever again.
Bagley is such a special talent. It is incredible how hard he works on the offensive glass. The team really needs to get him more touches as good things seem to happen when he has the ball.

Duval really struggled tonight and got a giant ass chewing early in the 2nd half when K took off the jacket. K kept saying repeatedly "what the fuck are we doing!?!? What the fuck are we doing!?!?!" He then really got in Duval's face after that.

Also Wendell Carter is an all around stud. He doesn't get near the recognition he deserves for all the good things he does. He really battles for rebounds and gets pushed like crazy.

Also Bolden gave great minutes in the limited time he played. Thought he got hosed on one foul call that could've been a blocked shot and just missed a third.

Overall, fun game to attend. I maintain that the crowd noise shouldn't be too big of a factor Sunday. KU fans weren't all that loud.
Really hope we get to enjoy another weekend with this frontcourt. Its true we won’t likely ever see another one like this years again. Savor it while it lasts.
Bagley is a player that I can't wait to see develop over the next 5-7 years. Such a special talent.

The guards are going to need to play better and hopefully eliminate the stupid turnovers. Do that and Duke should be ok. Hopefully Duval shines after tonight's disappointing performance.

Also if Grayson could shoot closer to the 3 point line the rest of the season, I'd be happy. Screw proving range in the NCAA tournament.

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