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Duke-forum Death Pool 2013 - bfactor leads

Yeah, I have no problem with refusing to be forced into the military. I would have had the same convictions.

I just have never liked loud-mouthed, shit-talkin assholes. Even in sports.
deepdarkblue said:
rome8180 said:
Don't care about boxing. In fact I find it pretty barbaric and difficult to watch. Love him for his political stands.

But he owed everything to boxing. Boxing is what made him special, boxing is what gave him an international platform to speak from. Without boxing, Muhammad Ali would in all likelihood have remained Cassius Clay and never left Kentucky. The odds that a black youth from Louisville, KY in the 1950s/early 60s would ever be more than a laborer, fry cook, or auto mechanic were on par with winning the Powerball lottery.

Don't disagree with this. I'm just saying that it was his political stances that drew me to him, though of course I never would have heard of him if not for the boxing.
He was magnetic. It's a shame he had his beautiful brain and incredible body destroyed by his profession.

My grandfather was a boxer, and completely humble and soft spoken. He worshiped Ali. I can remember watching Ali box with my grandfather on his TV that looked like a piece of furniture. It was wired to an antenna on the roof that had a motor on it. The motor would rotate the antenna so you could tune in VHF TV stations.

When you put Ali in that type of context, you can start to really understand how incredible he was. He literally made people's lives stand still so they could listen to him speak and watch him box. He was just as big of a showman in the ring as he was during interviews.

How many athletes today would go to jail on moral grounds? How many athletes who are the best athlete EVER in their sport, would go to jail on moral grounds?
RIP Gordie. Mr. Hockey.

A beloved man up here (and probably in Detroit). Had a great reputation for being nice to fans.
Anton Yelchin, 27, actor from the rebooted "Star Trek" and "Alpha Dog". Apparently got pinned between his car and brick wall. Bizarre.
Elie Weisel. 71 years after he should have died by all rights. 'Night' should be required reading for every single human being until the end of time.
Apparently Demontez Stitt (ex-Clemson player) has passed away, only 27 years old. Sad and shocking.
deeyoukayeee said:
Elie Weisel. 71 years after he should have died by all rights. 'Night' should be required reading for every single human being until the end of time.

I first had to read that in middle school. A lot of great books I was assigned back then I didn't finish. I was either too young to understand them, or I just didn't want to read them because it felt like "homework."

Not Night. I remember being profoundly affected by it even at that age.
Nate Thurmond, former Warriors great. He was the first NBA player to get a quadruple-double. Had a season where he averaged 20 pts and 22 rebounds.
Still one of only four players to get a quadruple-double. Hakeem got two in the same month. Ridiculous.

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