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Nothing about a Nolan film can be felt besides some moments of Interstellar. They're all intellectual masturbation with no emotional substance behind them. Tenet is the worst example, imo. It basically doesn't have characters.

Even The Prestige?

Isn't that the only movie he adapted from another creative? Besides the Batman series of course.

Rome is right, all his original IPs are at their core exercises in mental masturbation written at their core about the sci-fi mechanism, with characters and dialog put on as a shell at the very end merely as a vehicle to showcase it.

That being said, despite that, I did enjoy Memento, Inception, and Interstellar.
Memento is good. Forgot about that one. I didn't like Inception that much.

The Prestige was all right the first time around. It has no replay value once you know the twists though.
When it became clear in the opening scene that this was about to be something artistically great, “this is a Rome movie” crossed my mind. Not boring at all, though.

I’ve always thought Lost in Translation was overrated and not enjoyable. Past Lives is not that similar, but it feels like what Lost in Translation was attempting to do.

I believe it would win Best Picture this year if not for Parasite and Everything Everywhere winning in recent years. The new Scorsese/DiCaprio movie is coming out soon and might change things. Oppenheimer is the favorite to oddsmakers, but that’s crazy to me when comparing the movies. And I liked Oppenheimer a lot.
I decided I'm finally going to watch this tonight. I went on Amazon to rent it and it turns out it's $6 to rent but only $9 to buy. So I bought it. Hopefully I like it enough to justify owning it.
Don't know if it has been discussed here, but Godzilla Minus One fucking rules.
Just waiting for Godzilla Minus One to hit streaming. Also Poor Things and Iron Claw.

I think I would like Air a lot, but I can’t bring myself to spend time on a Jordan movie, due to personal bias. I might have to overcome that and watch it at some point.

Probably watching Blackberry this week.

Favorite movies this year were Across the Spider-verse and Past Lives, and I’m having trouble remembering any others.
blackberry was far superior to air.

really wish i lived near a decent theater. dying to see iron claw, zone of interest, and the holdovers.
blackberry was far superior to air.

really wish i lived near a decent theater. dying to see iron claw, zone of interest, and the holdovers.
The Zone of Interest is probably my most anticipated film in the last five years. I'm a Jonathan Glazer megafan. Under the Skin may be my favorite sci-fi film of the 21st century. I loved Sexy Beast as well.

This one tackles the kind of subject matter I'm deeply interested in: how almost anyone is capable of evil if society tells them they're doing the right thing. It's based on a Martin Amis novel which is supposedly great. The trailer is incredible. It seems like the perfect marriage of director and subject matter. Mica Levi's score should add a lot, just like it did for UtS.

This article, which I think I first read back in August or something, made me even more excited. Looks like I will have to wait until Jan 18th, when it comes to Alamo Draft House. That's better than the official release date of Feb 2nd listed on Wikipedia.

i had the same reaction to 'under the skin' @rome8180

big fan of 'sexy beast' as well. underrated mob classic. i respect that his whole thing is insane subject matter combined with kubrick like execution. easier said than done.
i had the same reaction to 'under the skin' @rome8180

big fan of 'sexy beast' as well. underrated mob classic. i respect that his whole thing is insane subject matter combined with kubrick like execution. easier said than done.
Well, that's probably why he only makes a movie every 10 years.
On another note, it's interesting how so many of the best directors started as music video directors (Fincher, Spike Jonze, Glazer, etc.).

Y Tu Mamá También 2001 Directed by Alfonso Cuarón

didn't know this existed until yesterday. surprised this isn't more in the cultutral zeitgeist. anyone who loves latin america is predisposed to enjoying this. mexico might be the funniest country on earth.
Forever hilarious that Cuaron got to do a Harry Potter movie off the back of that

Y Tu Mamá También 2001 Directed by Alfonso Cuarón

didn't know this existed until yesterday. surprised this isn't more in the cultutral zeitgeist. anyone who loves latin america is predisposed to enjoying this. mexico might be the funniest country on earth.
It was pretty popular when it was released. Great movie, imo.

That was before Diego Luna or Gael Garcia Bernal were international stars too. GGB did Amores Perros and Y Tu Mama Tambien in back to back years. Those movies launched a lot of careers.
I love the twist in that movie, btw. Such a simple revelation that completely explains the main female character's behavior (which would otherwise be pretty unbelievable).
After going to the Alamo Drafthouse again, I'm very tempted to get a season pass. I'm in love with the place. The season pass is $20 a month and can be cancelled at any point. It probably doesn't make economic sense to do it. I'd have to get to Raleigh 2-3 times a month to justify it. But I could cancel one of my other pointless subscriptions and break even. I'm certainly way more likely to get value out of this than my Disney Plus subscription. One of my favorite activities is going to see "serious" movies at the theater by myself. I've gone much less since I moved back to Durham. When I lived in Sacramento, I used to go a couple times a month, but never to an Alamo Drafthouse. If I'm going to go out to eat anyway, I like the idea of being able to get some food and a beer while watching a "free" movie.

Not only do they have all the latest artsy movies, but they also show a lot of old classics. For example, for the last month they've been doing some of the best films from 1999. Looks like I missed Being John Malkovich, sadly.

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