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My personal opinion is bomb the shit out of that fat piece of shit

You are right and that tops the reasons of why I think we shouldn't attack.

Reconcile this. That's the problem, right?
There is a difference between my personal opinion and what we should actually do. Exactly why I am not president.

Yeah. That's my point. Not that you're not the president, but that this is an impossible decision, so let's not blow up hundreds of thousands preemptively.
My personal opinion is bomb the shit out of that fat piece of shit

You are right and that tops the reasons of why I think we shouldn't attack.

Reconcile this. That's the problem, right?
There is a difference between my personal opinion and what we should actually do. Exactly why I am not president.

Yeah. That's my point. Not that you're not the president, but that this is an impossible decision, so let's not blow up hundreds of thousands preemptively.

Fair point. Unfortunately for the actual good people of NK they are lumped in with their crazy ass leader (yes I know Trump is crazy). I don't want to blow up hundreds of thousands of people but if Im am forced to choose between my family and friends over their family and friends I choose mine. Maybe that makes me look like a bad person. I choose to look at it as I am choosing my son and wife over anyone else. It is an impossible decision for me and for you but it's going to fall on someone. The more Un follows his current path, the more he is forcing it to fall on the one crazy ass guy he doesn't want making the decision.
Preemptive attack would be an unthinkably amoral move. It would be an active decision to sacrifice Seoul and NK, and potentially Tokyo, to satisfy our own need for a warped sense of peace of mind.
Preemptive attack would be an unthinkably amoral move. It would be an active decision to sacrifice Seoul and NK, and potentially Tokyo, to satisfy our own need for a warped sense of peace of mind.

Even Trump isn't crazy enough for a preemptive strike. Hopefully it isn't Alaska down to Arkansas that has to pay for that. (Not saying that to be the crazy republican. I just honestly think Un could be that crazy.)
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The day we attack North Korea is the day we either don't give a shit what China thinks anymore or we are at our last option. My personal opinion is bomb the shit out of that fat piece of shit. I'm so tired of their saber rattling and tiny man syndrome. However China has a ton more people than we do and we are too big of pussies to risk pissing them off. Plus they basically own us in debt.

I think we've gotten to that point. Hell, even Japan is considering a "preemptive strike", which I think is a hilarious choice of words considering NK shot a missile over their nation recently. The U.S. is a rational superpower and we are not going to let North Korea become an existential threat to us. While China has a lot more people, our military and economy are far superior. And as far as the debt goes- I don't think that matters yet because China is so relatively weak. Plus we could just print our way out of it theoretically. I do agree that the U.S. is terribly soft for a superpower. Media/liberals lost us Vietnam, and you've got to wonder how much better the world would be if we had actually listened to Douglas MacArthur and dropped 50 nukes on China and actually won the Korean War. In a way, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were too successful.
Preemptive attack would be an unthinkably amoral move. It would be an active decision to sacrifice Seoul and NK, and potentially Tokyo, to satisfy our own need for a warped sense of peace of mind.

Is it really a preemptive strike when missiles are flying over Japan?

Also, I'd rather Seoul and Tokyo be hit than San Francisco and Seattle. I'm not sure that's an amoral position from an American. I mean, it absolutely sucks that anyone will be hit, but it's the reality we find ourselves in after kicking this can down the road for 20 years.
MacArthur should have been court marshalled and hanged for losing the Philippines.
My personal opinion is bomb the shit out of that fat piece of shit

You are right and that tops the reasons of why I think we shouldn't attack.

Reconcile this. That's the problem, right?
There is a difference between my personal opinion and what we should actually do. Exactly why I am not president.

Yeah. That's my point. Not that you're not the president, but that this is an impossible decision, so let's not blow up hundreds of thousands preemptively.

But would a preemptive strike killing hundreds of thousands prevent millions being killed? This is an extremely difficult situation.

I also don't think Un is just "crazy". He's crazy yes, but he's also brilliantly crazy, IMO. I don't mean that in an admiring way- but he is extremely bright and calculated, and I think his greatest victory thus far is clowning the American media and people and getting them to believe he's a joke that is fat with a weird hair cut. It wouldn't surprise me at all if some of his missile test failings were done on purpose.

There is actually a great podcast on North Korea by Joe Rogan if anyone wants to listen to it:

The day we attack North Korea is the day we either don't give a shit what China thinks anymore or we are at our last option. My personal opinion is bomb the shit out of that fat piece of shit. I'm so tired of their saber rattling and tiny man syndrome. However China has a ton more people than we do and we are too big of pussies to risk pissing them off. Plus they basically own us in debt.

I think we've gotten to that point. Hell, even Japan is considering a "preemptive strike", which I think is a hilarious choice of words considering NK shot a missile over their nation recently. The U.S. is a rational superpower and we are not going to let North Korea become an existential threat to us. While China has a lot more people, our military and economy are far superior. And as far as the debt goes- I don't think that matters yet because China is so relatively weak. Plus we could just print our way out of it theoretically. I do agree that the U.S. is terribly soft for a superpower. Media/liberals lost us Vietnam, and you've got to wonder how much better the world would be if we had actually listened to Douglas MacArthur and dropped 50 nukes on China and actually won the Korean War. In a way, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were too successful.

I think this begs the question, should we be doing more to fight substance abuse among pregnant women?
Preemptive attack would be an unthinkably amoral move. It would be an active decision to sacrifice Seoul and NK, and potentially Tokyo, to satisfy our own need for a warped sense of peace of mind.

Is it really a preemptive strike when missiles are flying over Japan?

Also, I'd rather Seoul and Tokyo be hit than San Francisco and Seattle. I'm not sure that's an amoral position from an American. I mean, it absolutely sucks that anyone will be hit, but it's the reality we find ourselves in after kicking this can down the road for 20 years.
How would you like to be a US ally knowing that if we get the slightest bit frightened that we'll throw you under the bus and sacrifice your biggest population centers, just in case? Do you realize how fucking crazy that is? That we would choose to have Seoul destroyed, potentially millions of allies killed, because we got nervous?
The only ones advocating for war are those ignorant of war's realities
How would you like to be a US ally knowing that if we get the slightest bit frightened that we'll throw you under the bus and sacrifice your biggest population centers, just in case? Do you realize how fucking crazy that is? That we would choose to have Seoul destroyed, potentially millions of allies killed, because we got nervous?

Japan is talking about striking, too, no? They must see the plaudits of nipping this in the bud, too. I think, eventually, the unsustainable North Korean regime will topple from the inside and the leader(s) will want to go out with a bang. There's no doubt in my mind they'll target the beloved NYC, DC, LA, etc. This would simply be an unconscionable consequence of not wanting to look scared. Even if Japan and South Korea didn't want military action, "we couldn't throw Japan and South Korea under the bus" should not be the epitaph on millions of American graves. Self-interest always comes first. Always. Besides, we did a really good job of rebuilding Japan the first time. We could do it again. May even get them out of their economic malaise. South Korea is also very strong and would recover. The big question to me will be what to do with the humanitarian crisis that will manifest itself in the North.
It is completely absurd to talk about rebuilding North Korea as evidenced by our fruitless efforts to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. We've been at war for 16 straight years with fucking nothing to show for it. Bombs won't fix N Korea any more than they've "fixed" Syria.

If Trump were truly interested in Governing to what he campaigned on, he would rebuild this country's roads and schools and bildings like he pledged to.

Preemptive strikes have gotten us mired in a 2 decade long disaster in the Middle East that is destroying our combat readiness, crippling 2 generations of Veterans, over taxing our VA Hospitals and draining our treasury. It's a huge fucking waste.
The "Who cares if SK and Japan get destroyed, we can just rebuild them." line of thinking is maybe one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Just fucking pathetic and gross.

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