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Duke Basketball 2017-2018

It's too bad Javin doesn't have at least a corner three-point shot. I suspect he could defend opposing SFs all right

I don't think it's out of the question that he does. Supposedly he's been working on it this summer, and his form looked pretty solid in HS.

Saw a stat that he was 9-22 from 3PT during "2015 Adidas Tournaments", which is a small samples size, but probably at least indicates he's not totally useless from out there.
I just want him to hit a FT occasionally. (And yes, I'm going to continue with some version of this played out post until he does)
He only went 1-4 on the season, I think. Not exactly a huge sample. There may be some misses in exhibitions I'm not counting.
He went 3-6 in the first exhibition game and 0-5 in the second. No attempts in CTC. So he's 4-15 in games.
I'm hoping for it. He seems like such a likable dude, so I would love to be able to cheer for him as he played mucho minutos at Duke.
Here's his other noteworthy opinions from watching the camp:

Another guy who was there and apparently agrees with him regarding MSU having an absolute monster of a frontcourt:
Sorry for the consecutive posts, but there's a media embed limit(5).

Yeah, let's hope Bagley and Carter put forth a better effort against MSU than what lazy Bolden, too-cool-for-school Duval and privileged Grayson displayed at the Nike camp in front of NBA scouts. Because it's safe to say that the Duke players didn't impress that random basketball trainer - who may or may not have been operating from anti-Duke confirmation bias. In fact he just couldn't stop ranting about some of the college players who he deemed entitled.

I'm somewhat surprised he didn't end his twitter rant with something to convey his opinions more succinctly, like tweeting "dook sux".
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It's a fucking weekend skills camp, not the NBA combine lol
Bitching about not playing full court defense at a weekend camp seems a bit over the top.
We know he can't shoot. It's a problem. OTOH, does any other guard have his vision, speed, body control, and finishing ability? He's also supposed to be a good leader.
And at the risk of sounding homerish, I think our frontcourt will be just as good as MSU's. Probably not as "gritty" and "blue collar" according to Bilas though.
People are going to count Bridges at SF in MSU's frontcourt, so our frontcourt with Trent is going to be worse.

People are also going to count Bridges in MSU's backcourt, so their backcourt will be very good as well.

This is the advantage to having a great SF: people will say you have a great 3-player backcourt and great 3-player frontcourt. SFs are twice as valuable as any other player.

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