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Duke News Article/Publicity Thread

Big Lakers and Russell Wilson fan.

This is a typical tweet by her:

But seriously I think she will be less bitchy in general than Keeley.
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On my phone, so I don't want to type up a summary. I'll just say I thought it was really good. Only the first 25 minutes are with K.
rome8180 said:
On my phone, so I don't want to type up a summary. I'll just say I thought it was really good. Only the first 25 minutes are with K.

I felt like he hedged a bit when asked about Tatum. It was something like "He's really good...well, he's going to be really good. He's, we're...trying to get him to that point" or something along those lines. It seemed like maybe he isn't that happy with him, but then he went on to basically say they're trying to teach him to always be ready to score. I was hoping to hear "trying to teach him what a good shot is". My mental response to it was "Huh?"

And Evan raved about Grayson's new found shooting ability, that thing that we saw none of in the Blue White game.
I definitely noticed that. Spatola also seemed a bit critical of Tatum in the Blue-White game.

And Evan is clueless. Grayson was a great shooter last year.
And the "be ready to score" has to do with movement without the ball, I think. Cutting, coming off screens. Right now Tatum is an iso and fast break player.
Yeah, I don't want to try to put words in his mouth, but I think what K was saying was they're trying to teach Tatum to be smarter on offense. Phrasing it as "being ready to score" was, I think, just a poor choice of words. I don't think anyone can say Tatum isn't ready to score, it's just his method of accomplishing it that's in question.
It isn't unique that media figures have a lot of criticism for Coach K, but this guy Damon Amendolara (CBS) goes after him like K killed his dog or something.

Still ranting about this Dillon Brooks nonsense, among other things.
SeanMayTriedToEatMe said:

Because Hal Steinbrenner is the official spokesman for All White Men, his voice is their voice. Keeley just can't resist painting with, not just a broad brush, but with a freaking fire hose.
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While I agree with her, it's kind of weird that she liked Duke in that case.
rome8180 said:
While I agree with her, it's kind of weird that she liked Duke in that case.

I don't think she actually likes Duke anymore. Laura went downhill very fast. It also coincided with her coming out.
dukeberto said:
rome8180 said:
While I agree with her, it's kind of weird that she liked Duke in that case.

I don't think she actually likes Duke anymore. Laura went downhill very fast. It also coincided with her coming out.

I question her gayness. She so desperately wants to be a down-trodden minority that that was her only chance.
Last year, I believe, shortly before she collapsed on her fainting couch under the unbearable weight of being a sports journalist.

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