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Ahhh. I am almost relieved. I loved that show and would hate to see them ruin it with a reboot.
rome8180 said:
CK86 said:
"Orphan Black" has me interested after watching first couple episodes.
Tatiana Maslany truly gives one of (10 of?) the most incredible performances in TV history. Unfortunately the writing is not worthy of the performance, imo.

But you might like it more than I do, just based on your tastes.

You weren't kidding, she is amazing in this. Every clone is a completely different person with different mannerisms, it's incredible.

I am almost through the first season and I feel like there are too many storylines going on so not enough focus is being given in an episode to each. I will keep watching since I'm intrigued and Tatiana Maslany is incredible.
Silicon Valley is starting to piss me off. How many new obstacles can they invent? I get that they have to do so or the show would be over, but after a while feeling angry on the main characters' behalf gets old.
Silicon Valley

The tripping over the hose bit was the worst way that episode could've ended. It just felt forced and cheap.
skins said:
Silicon Valley

The tripping over the hose bit was the worst way that episode could've ended. It just felt forced and cheap.

I would have been interested to see the
skunk network or whatever it was called played out. Don't see why they had to derail that before it even got started. There are a million ways they could have derailed it later.
thewiseben said:
Really pleased with this week's GOT. Thought it was funnier than most episodes and

Arya's coming into her own, Varys' scenes, the awkward scene with Tyrion / Grey Worm / Missandae. The best fight scene I've seen in the show.
Could have done with less:
Cersei & Samwell
The Umber's betraying Rickon. Fucking hate that.
As we get further away from the books, I fear that the show is going to force things too fast. That's my only criticism of recent direction. Agree with your 3 spoilers.
I'm watching every episode of GoT at least three times. I should probably see about getting in treatment for this.

Peter Dinklage should get an award for every line he speaks.

How long until The Hound returns?

Speaking of canines, will the show kill Ghost, but then give Jon a dragon? I could see that happening. Who gets the third dragon?

I don't care how much Cersei has suffered, she still needs to die.

I feel confident that one or both of Tommen Barratheon and/or Rickon Stark die sooner rather than later.

I'm glad
that little shit, Olly, is dead.
Tyrion is probably half Targaryen so he will get the third dragon.

Please use spoiler tags for speculation like this.

thewiseben said:
The Brooklyn Nine-Nine is my absolute favorite thing to watch. Nothing makes me smile more reliably.
Agree 100%. I look forward to that show more than GoT.
rome8180 said:
Silicon Valley is starting to piss me off. How many new obstacles can they invent? I get that they have to do so or the show would be over, but after a while feeling angry on the main characters' behalf gets old.

We're only halfway through tonight's episode, but they're totally shitting on you for calling them out. This episode is amazing.
thewiseben said:
Game of Thrones thoughts:

The Good:
Peter Dinklage actually figuring out how to deal with the Sons of the Harpy. The public support and private conflict between him, Missandae and Grey Worm. Love that. Only way to tie up this plotline was for him/Varys to figure out a way to deal with that set of monsters. I assume that the women gifted to the Masters were spies for Varys. Good move.
The Bad:
Tired of Jorah Mormont's sullen suffering at this point. We get it, you're a martyr for love. Die already. I find the dialogue between him and Dhaario just tedious, there's not enough chemistry between the two actors to effectively hate or develop a good working schtick. Though I did love him throwing sand at the dothraki guy and totally missing.
Also super don't care about anything happening in King's Landing at the moment. Just leave the Tyrells and Lannisters alone for a while. Do not care.
This is exactly what I told someone this morning. The King's Landing storyline is tedious and seems headed nowhere this season (other than the sure-to-happen Clegane Bro battle). Maybe something happens with Cersei versus The Church People, but I hate all those people anyway so I really couldn't care less. I think Iain Glen, the actor who plays Jorah Mormot, is just not very good at acting. His character in the Jack Taylor series is like Jorah Mormot with cars and electricity. I think he has Jason Statham level acting range.

The Ugly:
Nothing really. Best episode of the season, though not as funny as the previous one.

The Epic:
Return of Khaleesi boobs. Thought those were deader than Benjen Stark.
ZackM said:
rome8180 said:
Silicon Valley is starting to piss me off. How many new obstacles can they invent? I get that they have to do so or the show would be over, but after a while feeling angry on the main characters' behalf gets old.

We're only halfway through tonight's episode, but they're totally shitting on you for calling them out. This episode is amazing.

Yeah, the payoff has been excellent.
And on a more minor note, Erlich coughing over the entire climactic scene was hilarious.
So here are a bunch of GoT spoilers that may be real (supposedly this same source put out a lot of True Detective spoilers that were spot on), or it could be internet bullshit.

Don't look if you don't want to know. Or look so you can learn later that this is all nonsense.

Rickon is killed (gets shot full of arrows)

Tommen dies jumping out of a window (don't know why he jumps out of a window)

The Tower of Joy sequence ends with Lyanna handing Ned a baby as she whispers something in his ear

Bran gets attacked by White Walkers at the place he is now because the leader of the White Walkers senses him when he's doing some of his out-of-body shit

They deny Cersei's request for trial by combat

Jon takes Ramsey prisoner, rather than killing him
ZackM said:
rome8180 said:
Silicon Valley is starting to piss me off. How many new obstacles can they invent? I get that they have to do so or the show would be over, but after a while feeling angry on the main characters' behalf gets old.

We're only halfway through tonight's episode, but they're totally shitting on you for calling them out. This episode is amazing.
Just watched it. Obviously can't top the masturbation/tip-to-tip episode, but I thought this episode was one of their best yet.

I loved Erlich's coughing realization about Hooli. It's good to see him do something right or be semi-intelligent once in a while.
rome8180 said:
CK86 said:
"Orphan Black" has me interested after watching first couple episodes.
Tatiana Maslany truly gives one of (10 of?) the most incredible performances in TV history. Unfortunately the writing is not worthy of the performance, imo.

But you might like it more than I do, just based on your tastes.

The more I watch, the more I'm impressed with her. I don't know how she hasn't won every acting award period. She's fucking incredible.

I'm definitely hooked on the show though I will say the third season was not as good as the first two but I've still enjoyed it. I just started season 4 and loved the first episode and how it all tied back to the beginning of the series. I'm also in love with the music on the show even if some of the songs seem like a knock off of the "Little Miss Sunshine" theme. Glad I stumbled upon it.

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