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Duke Basketball 2016-2017

We'd be unbeatable if we had a higher collective IQ.
Duke is not the best team in the country, but let the record show that they went 5-3 against the KP top 10 despite playing only one of those eight games at home.
The great what-if from this season will be pondering about how our record would be different if Matt wasn't averaging 38 minutes per game until late February.
This season is getting less shitty by the moment. If K is right and we are two months behind, imagine what you'd be thinking if you saw that performance in early January.
I've just about convinced myself that all that shitty, pointless driving in the first half was an intentional ploy on K's part to trick UNC into focusing on stopping the drive and not the pass. I see no other reasonable explanation for why he would continue to attempt something that clearly wasn't succeeding, over and over again.
I don't have a theory on the purpose of the shitty, pointless defense, though. Watching first half Kennedy Meeks versus Amile, looking like Kareem versus Greg Paulus made me very upset.
The main problem I had with the first half is that I thought we were actually playing well and still getting our asses kicked. The secondary problem was that we took a bunch of midrange shots and made one. UNC took a bunch of midrange shots and made all of them (as well as making six hundred layups).
Agree with Rome. Sure, UNC made several layups, but they also made several garbage midrange shots in that first half but missed pretty much all of them in the 2nd half. Duke also solved the Luke Maye puzzle which was nice.

Google says Gavitt is an NCAA operations guy, so i'm assuming he has committee insider status. We might actually be playing for a legit one seed tonight.
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I have a really hard time buying that a 1 seed is legitimately in play for us.
I'd be very okay with us and UNC both being 2-seeds, particularly if we get ranked above them on the S-curve and get a beneficial region.

Not entirely rational, but I don't really trust this team to not buy into their own hype and blow it if they get a 1. They seem to be riding the whole "no one believes in us" thing right now, even if it's cliche BS.
Yeah agree with that take, Pantone. As I said alluded to on the other thread, I think worth rooting for Oregon tonight and not Arizona, especially if Duke loses. I feel like if UNC ends up as a 2 and they take Arizona as the last 1, the "concession" is going to be making UNC their 2.

At least we've avoided (hopefully), top 60-65 teams ETSU, Princeton and Vermont.
Due to WVU as a potential 4 seed and WSU as a potential 8/9 seed, and the relative lack of potential landmines in the 3 and 7/10 lines, getting a 1 seed in either of the landmine regions (or the one landmine region if both WVU and WSU are in it) is actually going to be a worse position on kenpom's projections than getting a 2 seed anywhere.

Due to the selection committee botching this whole thing again, yes, it is completely rational to want Duke to be a 2 seed rather than a 1 seed this year.
Best case scenario is the Nova/Duke/UCLA trio in the MSG region, with UNC forced to play Kentucky in Memphis. I wonder if they'd swap us with UCLA if we lost tonight.

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