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I can't even explain how reading that makes me feel. I mean, if I had a friend or family member who spoke in a similar manner, I couldn't be comfortable around them, because it would be clear that their thought processes were fucked up.
Back in the 80s, I was around a lot of people who talked similar to that. I probably did it myself, too. And we all thought we were the smartest people in the room, as well.
Cocaine truly is a helluva drug.
So appropriate, from that poster and in that setting. The NCAA debacle has given them their angel wings.
Someone on reddit reformatted that word salad DDB posted into a poem. It was amazing.

"Look, having nuclear"
by Donald Trump

My uncle was a great professor
and scientist and engineer,
Dr. John Trump at MIT.
Good genes,
very good genes,
OK, very smart.
The Wharton School of Finance,
very good, very smart.

You know, if you’re
a conservative Republican,
if I were a liberal,
if, like, OK.
If I ran as a liberal Democrat,
they would say:
I’m one of the smartest people.
In the world.
It’s true!

when you’re
a conservative Republican,
they try, oh,
do they do a number.
That’s why I always start off:
Went to Wharton, was a good student,
went there, went there.
Did this.
Built a fortune.

You know
I have to give my, like,
credentials all the time,
because we’re a little disadvantaged.

But you look at the nuclear deal,
the thing that really bothers me,
it would have been so easy,
and it’s not as important as these lives are.

Nuclear is powerful.
My uncle explained that to me
many, many years ago.
The power.
And that was 35 years ago.

He would explain the power
of what’s going to happen
and he was right.
Who would have thought?

But when you look at what’s going on
with the four prisoners,
now it used to be three, now it’s four,
but when it was three and even now,
I would have said
it’s all in the messenger; fellas.

And it is fellas because, you know,
they don’t,
they haven’t figured that
the women are smarter right now
than the men.
So, you know, it’s gonna take them
about another 150 years.

But the Persians are great negotiators.
The Iranians are great negotiators.
and they,
they just killed.
They just killed us.

Seems that Webster's dad, George Papadopolous, could bring this all crumbling down.
*please don't end like the UNC investigation, please don't end like the UNC investigation, please don't end like the UNC investigation*
Tony Podesta, John Podesta's brother, has resigned from the K St. lobbying firm that he started. Seems he's embroiled in this Ukranian shit too.
I know, it's just disheartening that people are going to hear "Podesta" and immediately start ranting about the Clintons. It's just another smoke screen that the Trump crew can use, and really it's kind of the problem in our system. Major Dem fundraising/lobbying group gets hired by a central figure in Russian hacking scandal who is a major GOP player. It boils down to the fact that on a certain level, all a lot of these top level Dem and GOP lobbyists/operatives care about is money.
So anyway, big news day today. When I got home, my wife said "Did you hear what happened today". I said of course. She then asked what I thought would happen to Darcy's dad. Turns out my youngest daughter is classmates with Richard Gate's daughter. I used to drop them off after lacrosse practice. Vaguely remember shaking his hand a few times. Jogged by his house tonight to see the 25 press cars parked outside. Apparently, the renovation he's been doing for the last six months costs $2mm. Trying to find out who the contractor is who is about to get stiffed.

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