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Science and Technology thread

"researchers used modern technology developed only in the last couple of years to enhance the technique used to clone Dolly, which is called somatic cell transfer, or SCNT. This is where scientists reconstruct an unfertilized egg. The researchers remove the egg's nucleus -- the part of the cell that contains most of its genetic information-- and replace it with the nucleus from another cell. It's then stimulated to develop into an embryo, which is transplanted into a surrogate mother. That same cell cluster can make more genetically matched animals."

"researchers used modern technology developed only in the last couple of years to enhance the technique used to clone Dolly, which is called somatic cell transfer, or SCNT. This is where scientists reconstruct an unfertilized egg. The researchers remove the egg's nucleus -- the part of the cell that contains most of its genetic information-- and replace it with the nucleus from another cell. It's then stimulated to develop into an embryo, which is transplanted into a surrogate mother. That same cell cluster can make more genetically matched animals."


Wow, neat stuff. Wouldn't it be cool if there was someone super smart who could chime in and really elaborate on the scientific background and consequences of this?
"researchers used modern technology developed only in the last couple of years to enhance the technique used to clone Dolly, which is called somatic cell transfer, or SCNT. This is where scientists reconstruct an unfertilized egg. The researchers remove the egg's nucleus -- the part of the cell that contains most of its genetic information-- and replace it with the nucleus from another cell. It's then stimulated to develop into an embryo, which is transplanted into a surrogate mother. That same cell cluster can make more genetically matched animals."


Wow, neat stuff. Wouldn't it be cool if there was someone super smart who could chime in and really elaborate on the scientific background and consequences of this?

Watching the video of SpaceX booster rocket LANDING intact is totally fucking surreal. Something about Elon Musk seems off to me, but the dude can make technology happen.

Found this article and video very interesting. There’s an Euler (and a Gauss) podcast on In Our Time. Pretty amazing people.
Watching the video of SpaceX booster rocket LANDING intact is totally fucking surreal. Something about Elon Musk seems off to me, but the dude can make technology happen.
I happened to be working with one of my reps in Daytona today. Made it back to my hotel at the beach in time to watch the launch live. Pretty freaking awesome!! The boosters landing was pretty damn impressive for sure.
Anyone familiar with the Chinese company Jiangsu Tenwei? I bought one of their AC adapters from Wal-Mart for my laptop and it gets insanely hot relatively quickly. I don't have tremendous expertise with electronics but am thinking I should take it back.

Has anyone built their own computer before? I am strongly considering it as I am getting to the point where I will need a new one to play current PC games. I haven't purchased a gaming PC since 2011 but I kind of want to learn how to build my own so I can upgrade easier going forward. I also would like to be able to stream my games going forward.

The questions for those that have built one before, did you start with a lower cost build first or did you jump right into a higher end build? Did you buy everything at once or over the course of a few months to get best prices? Thanks!
Has anyone built their own computer before? I am strongly considering it as I am getting to the point where I will need a new one to play current PC games. I haven't purchased a gaming PC since 2011 but I kind of want to learn how to build my own so I can upgrade easier going forward. I also would like to be able to stream my games going forward.

The questions for those that have built one before, did you start with a lower cost build first or did you jump right into a higher end build? Did you buy everything at once or over the course of a few months to get best prices? Thanks!
Head over to Reddit and spend some time reading the sidebar on r/buildapc. If you’re lazy, I think there’s a r/buildmeapc. You’ll come across a part picker tool that helps you select compatible pieces to help idiot-proof the process. That said, many things don’t come with great instructions so expect to spend some quality time on YouTube along the way.

I bought all my parts all at once (well, within a few weeks as I shopped around). I’d rather start building the thing right away. I didn’t go top end when I built it. Rather, set a budget in advance and build something to that budget. Helps if you already have monitors and what not.
Has anyone built their own computer before? I am strongly considering it as I am getting to the point where I will need a new one to play current PC games. I haven't purchased a gaming PC since 2011 but I kind of want to learn how to build my own so I can upgrade easier going forward. I also would like to be able to stream my games going forward.

The questions for those that have built one before, did you start with a lower cost build first or did you jump right into a higher end build? Did you buy everything at once or over the course of a few months to get best prices? Thanks!

I build all my PC's, and I build them for anyone in my family who wants one.
Currently, video cards are insanely expensive, and you can't build a good gaming rig without a good one. Decent ones are getting bought up by cryptocurrency miners and it's just really tough finding one that's worth a damn that doesn't cost $500.
The best site for keeping up with parts deals is https://pcpartpicker.com/ There is a wealth of information there - you can set up alerts for specific parts or categories of parts, you can look at other people's builds and see what parts they used and how much they paid, etc. It's extremely helpful for me when I'm building.
Honestly, you might be better off at this point just buying a gaming rig. If you're playing HD games, it will be difficult for you to build a good gaming system for less than $1000. I built one last month that's nice but not over-the-top, and I've got about $1200 in it.
Has anyone built their own computer before? I am strongly considering it as I am getting to the point where I will need a new one to play current PC games. I haven't purchased a gaming PC since 2011 but I kind of want to learn how to build my own so I can upgrade easier going forward. I also would like to be able to stream my games going forward.

The questions for those that have built one before, did you start with a lower cost build first or did you jump right into a higher end build? Did you buy everything at once or over the course of a few months to get best prices? Thanks!

I build all my PC's, and I build them for anyone in my family who wants one.
Currently, video cards are insanely expensive, and you can't build a good gaming rig without a good one. Decent ones are getting bought up by cryptocurrency miners and it's just really tough finding one that's worth a damn that doesn't cost $500.
The best site for keeping up with parts deals is https://pcpartpicker.com/ There is a wealth of information there - you can set up alerts for specific parts or categories of parts, you can look at other people's builds and see what parts they used and how much they paid, etc. It's extremely helpful for me when I'm building.
Honestly, you might be better off at this point just buying a gaming rig. If you're playing HD games, it will be difficult for you to build a good gaming system for less than $1000. I built one last month that's nice but not over-the-top, and I've got about $1200 in it.
I was going to reply, but all of this is everything that needs to be said.
Anyone have opinions on current phone options? Up for an upgrade an everything but the iPhone X is cheaper than my current payment.

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