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I think all they have to do to get this tax reform passed is stick one more bracket in there for $1 million+ at 39-40% (the current highest rate). Won't do it because they are idiots. Corporate/rich folks on the GOP side aren't going to switch sides just because you don't help them out more than everyone else.
Sean, while it makes sense to establish one more high end tax bracket, it would not serve the dual purpose of exploding the deficit and drowning the federal government in a bath tub.
I read yesterday that one thing they were proposing was to set the mortgage interest deduction minimum at $24k a year. That'll drive those working class folks to home ownership for sure!
Yeah I don't get the highest bracket starting at 200-250k. Huge disparity from someone making 300k and someone bringing in 1 mil
My one silver lining of a GOP controlled govt was that middle class (aka me) tax burden would be lowered. This proposed plan sucks ass for that
Anything designed by the GOP isn't designed for the good of the whole. By the end of the year the president will probably try to reinstate the draft.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Leader of the Free World. Prepare to be inspired:

(Trump is playing golf this weekend, btw, but made time to post these wise words of inspiration. These Puerto Ricans have NO IDEA the sacrifices he's making on their behalf)
I'll believe there's an actual God when I learn that Donald Trump is dying from some terrible, agonizing, incurable disease.

(Also, this guy got the evangelical Christians' seal of approval during the election. I guess this is what a Christian leader is supposed to act like?)

We're all going to die. He really needs to be removed. He has a syphilitic brain.
It's all the coloreds that are causing these issues. If only everyone were white, we wouldn't have these problems.

Do you have any commentary to add to that tweet? If not, fuck off and stop spamming my site.

I also didn't realize "Rocket Man" had been in power for 25 years.

Do you have any commentary to add to that tweet? If not, fuck off and stop spamming my site.

I also didn't realize "Rocket Man" had been in power for 25 years.

I simply found the tweet funny because I didn't know Kim was even 25 years old. There's no need to start throwing F bombs and accusing me of spam. You are better than that.
"Fuck" is a perfectly valid, expressive word. It should be used freely.

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