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Disappointed that Kingsman: The Golden Circle is getting bad enough reviews to not be worth seeing in a theater. Next chance for a blockbuster is Blade Runner 2049.

Tom Cruise has apparently done it again with American Made - another very good, very entertaining movie that people are turned off by because it's Tom Cruise.

The first Kingsman was pretty meh imo. Every actor has his haters but it's funny how those haters keep dishing out more and more money to watch those actors. Tom Cruise is a very good actor that has the ability at this point to be picky with what movies he chooses and does an excellent job at doing so. I do like the memes goin around picking fun at how he looks like a middle school PE lesbian coach in his American Made stills. Haha
This is the sci-fi movie I've been most excited to see since Arrival. Based on a book by a really good writer, and adapted by another really good writer.

“Passengers” with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt is BAD. Worst acting of their careers. Worst story. Worst dialogue. Worst title.
The Netflix version of Gerald's Game was decent. Spectacular cinematography and solid writing. I hate when I'm watching a movie, though, and see a dozen easy changes that would improve it. In this case, if they had been brave enough to use more silence instead of relying on the character talking to herself, if they had allowed for more ambiguity, if they had recast one actor, and if they had dealt with the passage of time better, it could have been brilliant.
Just saw Blade Runner 2049. It was great. Good story, amazing visuals, solid performances, and stayed true to the original.
Just saw Blade Runner 2049. It was great. Good story, amazing visuals, solid performances, and stayed true to the original.
Also, for anyone that hasn't seen the original, I'd highly recommend watching it before seeing 2049. There are a lot of call backs so I'm not sure the story would be quite as clear without knowing the history.
Last Jedi trailer at halftime of the football game.

I'm gonna have to watch that trailer 38 more times. I have no idea how to feel.
The edit at the end definitely is a play on the viewer to get them to think Rey is open to the dark side
The edit at the end definitely is a play on the viewer to get them to think Rey is open to the dark side
I don't know that it is. We see some temple on fire (same one we saw in the force vision from TFA), we see Luke buried in rubble, we see burning embers falling as Kylo reaches out his hand, and we see Rey with Snoke. It's already been widely reported that the Knights of Ren show up on the island and fuck shit up, so it's possible that they fuck shit up and Kylo convinces Rey to come back with him.
I saw 2049 today. Fantastic. Denis Villeneuve is one of the five best directors alive. And Roger Deakins is unquestionably the GOAT cinematographer. I have a lot more thoughts on every element of the movie, but I'm too tired to write more at the moment.

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