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Cloud Atlas made $9.4 mil this weekend. Behind Argo and something called Hotel Transylvania
None of the theaters around me are showing Cloud Atlas...bummed
It's going to be really hard for Cloud Atlas to catch on. If you read the book, you'll probably love it. Unfortunately, most people are illiterate and even the ones who *can* read aren't going for postmodernism.
rhfarmer said:
Sign me up, holy shit. Sean Penn, all time fave.

That looks like the role he was born for, too. Awesome cast in general... it kind seems like a more modern/badass movie version of Boardwalk Empire from the trailer.
As cheesy as some of the acting and story were, I LOVED the original Red Dawn movie. From some of the things I've read, this remake is actually starting to sound like it might be pretty good!

It comes out on my birthday, so I'll be there.
gozagswoohoo said:
As cheesy as some of the acting and story were, I LOVED the original Red Dawn movie. From some of the things I've read, this remake is actually starting to sound like it might be pretty good!

It comes out on my birthday, so I'll be there.

Bhodi would like to have a little chat with you...
gozagswoohoo said:
As cheesy as some of the acting and story were, I LOVED the original Red Dawn movie. From some of the things I've read, this remake is actually starting to sound like it might be pretty good!

It comes out on my birthday, so I'll be there.
The original is my oldest brother's favorite movie (I'm serious..). I'll watch the new one for shits & giggles, reliving the memories.
DukeNukem05 said:
Tossed A Few Good Men in the old dvd player. Good stuff.

stands the test of time.

Great cast, great acting and 1 of the greatest scenes ever

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All these James Bond tie ins in commercials are getting me excited
Sooo...uhhh...Flight. Its pretty good.

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