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Obama's jokes about Trump at that White House dinner several years ago leads to Trump as President. That Seth Rogen/James Franco movie about Kim leads to Kim advancing North Korea to this point of no return state. Don't make fun of narcissistic lunatics with power.

Lol. I know Donald is from Queens but he has lived on 5th Avenue for what, 30 years? Manhattanite, IMO.

And farmer, I am not trolling. I understand why you'd think that, though. In the modern American political context, my social views are far left and my views on the economy and military are far right.
My buddy claims to be the same exact way but there are so many decisions made economically from the Pub side that go against so much of what Dem's believe in a social view aspect like defunding planned parent hood, military views on gays/trans, etc.
Equifax was hacked and the personal info, SS#, etc for 143 million people was accessed. Sweet!
Yeah, they also got access to over 200k credit card numbers as well.

This is a lesson to all - just go ahead and wreck your own credit, and have lots of fun while you do it.
I'm forced to get a new credit card every few months anyway due to fraud. My last one was due to a $50 rejected payment at some beauty salon in Mississippi.

I always check for readers at gas stations and grocery stores now.
I'm sure that's completely on the up and up. I mean, these are the people who literally everyone has entrusted with all of their most important personal and financial details so they HAVE to be 100% trustworthy. They simply must.
Didn't really see a place to put this, but Amazon is searching for a city to be its 2nd headquarters and will bring 50,000 jobs with it.

Really rooting for NYC. Most of the pieces are in place to make it happen. Let's hope Billy De makes Bezos an offer he can't refuse.
NYC would be an awful spot for Amazon. Will probably somewhere in the midwest. Maybe Memphis to be close to FedEx.
NYC would be an awful spot for Amazon. Will probably somewhere in the midwest. Maybe Memphis to be close to FedEx.
I have some friends from the Memphis area who were somewhat jokingly suggesting they'd locate to Memphis and purchase FedEx. Would be pretty funny if they actually did locate there. But it's kind of hard to attract the type of talent they'll need in Memphis, no?
NYC would be an awful spot for Amazon. Will probably somewhere in the midwest. Maybe Memphis to be close to FedEx.
I have some friends from the Memphis area who were somewhat jokingly suggesting they'd locate to Memphis and purchase FedEx. Would be pretty funny if they actually did locate there. But it's kind of hard to attract the type of talent they'll need in Memphis, no?
I've suspected that Amazon would buy FedEx for a while. They wouldn't have any issue getting talent. Talent flocks to companies like Amazon.
Google and Facebook haven't had any trouble finding talent in the wilds of North Carolina, I'm sure Amazon can scrape by any old place.
RTP was actually my first thought as a destination. Makes perfect sense.
The North Carolinians that suggest Charlotte boggle my mind. The tech talent pool that Amazon would want to pull from is in the triangle. RTP is pretty well suited for that type of investment.
On the anniversary of the '85 earthquake, Mexico City has another tragic earthquake. Brutal news to wake up to.
The mayor of San Juan, PR says Puerto Rico is looking at an estimated 4 - 6 months without electricity. Damn, that's some rough shit.

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