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I binged "Corporate" on Comedy Central. 10 episodes, 20-30 minutes each, went quickly. Renewed for Season 2. I think you will like this if you have ever worked in an office.
Watching a kid show on Nick with my 7 and 9 year old. It's one of those kid sitcoms and some guy sings, "I don't want to have anything to do with that beast, she has a low IQ and she smells like yeast."

This is a show for 10 year olds.
In my lifetime, I probably watched twice as many hours of kids' programming as non-kids' shows. My main takeaway from all of those hours that I'll never get back is, it's easy to understand why 90% of child stars wind up as social miscreant drug addicts.
Are we supposed to have figured out what “Glory” is, the thing Delores wants to use as a weapon? I don’t pay full attention. I saw an oil rig or construction site or something.
I have no answer except to say I never have any idea what’s going on in that show.

I thought it was terraforming shit. No clue what she wants with it.
I'm digging the Rajneesh documentary on Netflix.

I read a book about this few years back, pretty crazy chain of events.
I'm digging the Rajneesh documentary on Netflix.

I read a book about this few years back, pretty crazy chain of events.
I really liked it. It was shocking to see how many people on social media sympathized with the Rajneeshees.

IMO there was certainly bigotry/hypocrisy from some of the locals at the outset of Rajneeshees arriving at the community. For me, the hypocrisy lies in the attack of a group's freedom of religious expression and attempting to limit how they were using their property - save for some possible traffic, there was not evidence that the community impacted offsite residences through the development of their land.

However is it difficult for me to be sympathetic to a lot who stalked/harassed locals, poisoned a community, tried to assassinate a public figure and attempted to use homeless people as election tools. Messed up.

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