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Duke Recruiting General Discussion

I actually think a Barrett-Reddish-Zion-DeL would be a pretty good rebounding team. 6'7-6'8-6'7-6'10 is a pretty big team.

And Jones rebounds well for a PG. I could see him having a pretty high rebounding % for a PG which will be nice as it will initiate the fast break right away.
Zion is taller and bigger than Justice. It would work just fine. Heck, I think Zion could even play center. I do NOT think he should play SF.
Zion could def play some C at Duke and I'd be shocked if K didn't do it in crunch time. Zion would probably be a better rebounder than Winslow and JW averaged 6.5. Zion would be 7+ IMO. Honestly, unless we land some top notch big, I'd put money on Zion being our leading rebounder.
I wonder what Winslow's rebounding numbers were when at the 4. IIRC, he was our best rebounder after February or so.

Lineup of death. 5 5-star freshmen. Two points that can handle the offense. Garland a great shooter. Barrett, Reddish, and Zion huge mismatches offensively.

Would possibly be weak on boards but do the offensive advantages outweigh that negative?

Lineup of death. 5 5-star freshmen. Two points that can handle the offense. Garland a great shooter. Barrett, Reddish, and Zion huge mismatches offensively.

Would possibly be weak on boards but do the offensive advantages outweigh that negative?

I don't think so. We would have 0 rim protection and our interior defense would likely be bad. If we went to a more gap defense or even the packline I would be more okay with it, but we won't, so no.

Lineup of death. 5 5-star freshmen. Two points that can handle the offense. Garland a great shooter. Barrett, Reddish, and Zion huge mismatches offensively.

Would possibly be weak on boards but do the offensive advantages outweigh that negative?

I don't think so. We would have 0 rim protection and our interior defense would likely be bad. If we went to a more gap defense or even the packline I would be more okay with it, but we won't, so no.
Yeah, it was just a thought. Much more likely is Garland subs for Tre and only plays the 2 when 1 of the big 3 is sitting.
I would have no problem with Tre and Garland in the back court together, I just don't want a lineup, at least for extended stretches, without DeLaurier, Bolden, or Vrankovic at the 5. That team will need a big body to rebound and provide interior defense. I feel like I'm getting shades of 2014 when I hear of a line-up with Reddish and Zion at the 4/5.
New article on 247 says Tre is recruiting 2 guys in particular to join him at Duke.

I assume it's talking about Barrett and Williamson.
He'd like to make the sweet 16?

He's not a 'banner hunter' per se, really more of a 'respectability hunter'.
With Zion on the roster, I think we would've seen a minutes breakdown like this:

Jones 38/Goldwire 2
Barrett 35/O'Connell 5
Reddish 35/Tucker 4/White 1
Zion 35/DeLaurier 5
DeLaurier 20/Vrank 20

Assuming a 40 game season with a 100k signing bonus, Zion could've realistically made $72 per minute played. Now that the fun is over, Duke could probably give Zion 2k max which translates to a paltry $1.42 per minute played. If Zion and his father are smart businessmen, and I believe they are, Europe or China would seem to be the more alluring option which would make Duke a hard "no".
Nas Little and E.J. Montgomery have opened things back up due to this scandal.

If the Zion stuff is true, I think we could go after one or both of those guys.

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