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Trump winning NY = All-Union Communist Party (Stalin) getting 99.7% of the votes in 1950.

They're gonna cheat, but not make it that obvious.
That 1950 vote was 110,800,000 to 300,000. Had to make it believable.
Wait. This is the first time they have endorsed anyone? If that is right, I don't give a shit what happens to them. Sorry @uncy, you reap what you sow.
“We got names for all of them. What’s better Sleepy Joe or Slow Joe?” Trump asked, having his crowd cheer louder for the nickname they preferred, also noting that people have told him it’s rude.

You guys deserve everything that you get.
My entire Twitter feed is now people astutely noting that the USPS corruption won’t be an issue once enough people know about it, and replies by people saying they will crawl through a mix of broken glass and feces to vote in person. So I think Democrats can breathe a sigh of relief and assume this will keep trending over the next 3 months. Trump needed to start all of this a few months later, and he probably had the election won. There is still some truth to President Cruz being worse for Democrats, since Cruz would’ve been smart enough to execute on good ideas, or have at least one person in his inner circle who would’ve helped him execute.
Trump's greatest achievement will be saving the Post Office. It has now replaced ending racism as the #1.
Trump's greatest achievement will be saving the Post Office. It has now replaced ending racism as the #1.

I think his groundbreaking work in the fight against aging could be his greatest achievement. If the know-nothing doctors and scientists would just get out of his way, the problem with aging Americans could be resolved in just a few more months.

Trump realizes what K does not.

This would be like K saying, "Meet my staff: Jon Scheyes, Nate Yaymes, Chris Carrawilldowhateveryousay and Yeslan Smith."

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